“Why does blockbuster movie music all sound boring and the same?”

“About the ‘Basket of Deplorables’”

iPhone 7 Woes

I spaced out last night, and didn’t get my order in, so I’ve got more time to ponder which color to get. I’ve historically been a white iPhone person, and when I’ve dabbled with black, I’ve always been tired of it quickly and ready to go back as soon as the new model came out. But the new black options look great and–let’s face it–a white iPhone 7 is going to look almost identical to the white iPhones 6 I’ve had for awhile.

First world problems, I know. I can’t believe I missed the window to order one, though!

The Iron Giant

Apropos of my recommendation for Kubo, let me recommend taking the time to enjoy the new release of Iron Giant: The Signature Edition. The Iron Giant is one of my all-time favorite animated movies, and is a fantastic movie for the family. Scratch that: It’s one of my favorite movies, period. Watch it now.